
Jurnal Psikologi Islam is online version and printed journal, managed by Central Comittee of Asosiasi Psikologi Islam (API), HIMPSI Indonesia. This journal published 2 issues per year (Semiannual/biannual), in June and December, the articles related to Islamic Psychology studies. 

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  • Call for Papers


    Jurnal Psikologi Islam is online version and print journal, managed by Central Comittee of Asosiasi Psikologi Islam (API), HIMPSI Indonesia. The articles in this journal related to Islamic psychology studies. 

    Jurnal Psikologi Islam invites submission of scientific papers from lecturers, researchers, and students. This journal published 2 issue a year (Semiannual/biannual), in June and December. Editorial and reviewers board reviews unpublished and not under review for possible publication (article) in other journals, articles should be based on Quantitative research, Qualitative research, Literature Review, and library research methods about general Islamic studies on pscyhology field. Focus and scope of this journal, can be accessed by following this link: Focus and Scope

    Papers or articles can either be in Indonesian and English. Please read Author Guidelines and Journal Template (Indonesian and English article Template).

    p-ISSN: 1858-1161

    e-ISSN: 2549-9297

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